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Learning to slow down

Last night I had to speak with my choir director about reducing my involvement in several upcoming concerts.  Wednesday was a very good day for me – good energy all day, decreased fibro aches, and I even picked up a new editing client.  I started to think this slump was going to be short-lived.  But then came Thursday and I knew I had to start telling people I had to cut back on events.

On March 25th and April 1st, in addition to the usual Sunday services, my choir will be singing a Holy Week Cantata in the Burg one week and in Windsor the next.  Just the idea was overwhelming, and I was especially hesitant about approaching our director since she’s such a powerhouse – organist, director, pharmacist, mother, wife, gardener, handyman, er, handyperson, she never stops!  And just when you think she might be slowing down, she’s drives to Windsor to do 40 laps in the University swimming pool!  I am in awe of her energy!  So imagine me trying to tell her I need to back out of some engagements because, well, um, I’m tired you see….

But of course there was nothing to fear because in addition to perpetual motion, this woman just oozes compassion and understanding.  I said, “I can only do one service each Sunday, either the morning service or the cantata service, but not both.  Which would be the most helpful to you?”  And I told her she could think on it and get back to me.  No need!  “Skip the morning service on the 25th and sing the cantata service here that evening.  Then sing the morning service on April 1st, since that’s the Communion Service, and skip the cantata in Windsor that evening.”  Oh my!  Problem solved.  An elegant solution that removed all my anxiety.

I am blessed!

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