For the next three days I’m going to be sequestered in my office writing poems for the “3 Days in August” event – poems about Windsor, the good, the bad and the ugly – that will be collected for an anthology edited by the Windsor Review. (Vanessa Shields, Guest Editor) Poets who want to participate will all be writing at the same time, over this weekend, and we’re hoping for a wonderful confluence of literary energies.
I noticed tonight is a new moon, tomorrow, the end of Ramadan, and Sunday, the Leamington Tomato Festival. In such a propitious configuration of events how can I fail?! So for the next 72 hours I’ll be at my desk (taking appropriate breaks for food, rest, and, you know, necessities), pen at the ready, begging inspiration to come down from that corner of the ceiling I always stare at.
Wish me luck!