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A mighty blessing cycle!

There’s this guy, Jim Palmer, who’s written a fascinating book called, “Divine Nobodies:  Shedding Religion to Find God (and the unlikely people who help you).”  I bought it.  I read it.  And I got a feeling that here was the start of something new, a new way of doing church, a new way of living Christianity.  We’d been chatting back and forth on FaceBook, and I told Jim how impressed I was with his book, and how grateful I was to be a witness to this “new thing,” and I asked if I could send him a copy of my book, “holy cards: dead women talking” as a thank you.  Sure! he said, so I sent it along.

I knew exactly when he received it because that morning he posted one of my poems on his FaceBook page, Joan of Arc, and matched the poem with some awesome art work from .  What a lovely, and totally unexpected, way to start my day!  People were “liking” it and leaving wonderful, supportive comments and I was grinning so much The Mister started to complain about the blinding glare from my teeth!  Needless to say, I thanked Jim profusely, and he said he was enjoying reading my book.

The next day, and the next day, and the next day and again today, Jim posted a poem with matching art work, and oh mercy! the response has been utterly overwhelming!  (Jim wrote me again this morning, and said he was REALLY enjoying reading my book!  And I’m REALLY enjoying his REALLY enjoying reading my book!)  People from as far away as New York State, Australia, and Indonesia are asking where they can buy “holy cards,” so if you will excuse this shameless bit of self-promotion – world-wide readers and my American friends can find “holy cards: dead women talking” on .  Canadian readers will find it at and Windsor and area readers can send me a message via FaceBook, and I’ll see about mailing out a copy to them.

The book is two and a half years old.  To say I was not expecting this resurgence of interest in it, is putting it mildly!  But I am delighted!  And all day long my heart sings, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

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