Well gentle readers, for those of you concerned with the well-being of yours-ever-faithfully, you’ll be pleased to know, we’re doing better. Able to sit up and take nourishment, as my dad used to say. I am taking rest periods throughout the day, and my energy is slowly returning, but the weakness still overwhelms me at times. Not to worry though, the awful “fibro-aches” are much less, and I fully intend to keep to my recovery schedule and get back to my old self faster than you can split a lickety!
I felt well enough to attend my Writer’s Salon last night, and received a wonderful compliment. We all hand out copies of whatever piece we’re presenting, and after we read it aloud, everyone who wants to gives some feedback does so, and some will make comments on the copy itself. I presented one of my Magdalene Poems in which Mary says something in a “fierce whisper” to Joseph of Arimathea. When I went through the papers after I got home, someone had circled those two words and added that everything they had read of mine fit that description – the Magdalene Poems are a “fierce whisper.” Such a compliment! So glad I was there to receive it!