Oh it’s sooo nice to be back!
A lot can happen in 6 weeks and it’s going to take some time to get caught up, but first things first: I am preaching every Sunday in July at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 129 Simcoe St. in Amherstburg. The sanctuary is air conditioned, the people are friendly, and the preaching inspired…or so I thought until one of our members fainted my first Sunday in the pulpit and an ambulance had to be called. Another member, who happens to be an EMT, did an assessment on our dear brother while waiting for the ambulance, and in the course of his interview, I heard him ask this little gem – “Do you think it was Penny-Anne’s sermon that made you sick?” Ahem! Harumph! (Our brother has completely recovered, by the way. Turns out it was a case of dehydration, not poor preaching!)
Anyhoo, y’all invited!