Plans for a fall reading with Mary Ann Mulhern are shaping up nicely, and expanding! We originally thought we would do a reading at Page 233, the new bookstore at 233 Dalhousie in Amherstburg, October 30th – and so we shall at 2:00 PM. But Marty Gervais, our illustrious publisher, suggested an additional reading earlier the same day in Windsor at the From the Heart Gift Shop, 1356 Ottawa St. at 11:00 AM. Of course, we were delighted! Mary Ann will read from her latest book of poetry, Sleeping with Satan, Salem Witch-hunt 1692. This is Mary Ann’s fourth book and another powerful collection it is! The narrative poems are written in the voices of the women who suffered and died in Salem during the horrific witch trials. Mary Ann has brought to these women a tender humanity and the reader cannot help but be moved by their stories.
I will read from my book, holy cards: dead women talking, which deals with the stories of the women saints from the Catholic and Orthodox traditions, some historical, some legendary. I found the accounts of their lives so engaging I felt compelled, dare I say “possessed” to write about them.
All of Mary Ann’s books, The Red Dress, Touch the Dead, When Angels Weep, and Sleeping with Satan, as well as my holy cards will be available for purchase at both venues. Hope to see you there!