Alrighty. Here’s the problem. I updated my browser and now it seems I can’t access certain areas of my blog. QuickPress is still available, but I can’t use italics in QuickPress, and God help me I LOVE my italics! But until I can figure out these compatibility issues this is how it’s gotta be.
So quick update – I’m preaching again this Sunday (the 17th) at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Amherstburg at the 10:30 am. service. The sermon title is Some Kinda Wonderful! Everyone is invited and will be warmly welcomed. And the following Sunday (the 24th) I’ll be at Bump Maternity, 1720 Wyandotte, Windsor, to lead a writers’ workshop on “From Writing What You Know to Writing What You Feel” and I’ll be illustrating the talk with several selections from my own work. There will also be time for writing exercises and questions and discussion. If you’re interested, there’s still time to register at . Hope to see you there!