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I’m back – kinda

Well folks, this has been a trying time. I just got a new drive installed in my computer, everything turning over nicely, and if I didn’t go and pick up a nasty virus from a web site I trusted. And not just once, but twice! Two purgings, and if my PC tech makes one more housecall on me, he’ll be able to retire in the Bahamas! Then I tried to get into my web site using Firefox and it keeps erasing my user name and password every time I hit Log IN. Grr! However, my tech added IE during the last update, and IE has no trouble recognizing my user name and password, but it won’t let me post, except here in QuickPress. Some sort of incompatibility issue, which is why I downloaded Firefox in the first place. Ah well, I’ll keep using QuickPress until we can straighten everything out. Much to tell. Will post again tomorrow!

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This is a test.

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Long time, no hear from

Oh yes, gentle readers, I am sadly aware of how long it’s been since my last post.  But I once more became a victim of the vagaries of technology and learn yet again how dependent I am on it.

Everything was going along just ducky.  I was riding a wonderful giant wave of affirmation and support  as a result of my article at – the first installment of Vanessa’s guest writer series.  But all through August and September, my computer had been showing signs of strain.  I kept thinking it would pass – the problems booting up, the slow-speed downloads, etc.  And before you roll your eyes, it’s a fact that my computer has healed itself in the past.  Oh yes, it has!  Problems that plagued me for months suddenly disappeared, and all was tickety-boo once again.  (And if you don’t believe me, I suspect you’re just jealous cuz your computer doesn’t heal itself!  Ha!)

But alas, it was not to be, and a couple of weeks ago my machine shuddered, gasped, and gave up the ghost.  Enter Carlo, my friendly neighbourhood PC technician who (thankfully) lives just down the street, and a brand new solid-state drive and total system reinstall later (including a 13 hour MacAfee download) and I’m back online!  A few residual bugs have been worked out and I can now get back to regular posts.  And I’ve got lots to talk about, but give me until after the long weekend, s’ok?  Cuz I’ve got even more to be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

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