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Part 3 online

Greetings, gentle readers!  Part 3 of my article, Religion and Writing: Reflections of a Wayward Daughter is now online, a day early at that! and is available for reading at:

or simply go to and click on her Guest Writer tab.  Many, many thanks to all who left comments on Vanessa’s blog about the article!  Writers live for this stuff!

We also live for free books!  Oh yes, dear readers, I’ve won another – The Novelist by L.L Barkat, from Englewood Review.  This makes four free books in as many months, as well as a free pass to BookFest!  Touch me – I’m golden!

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Part 2 online

Greetings, gentle readers!  Part 2 of my article Religion and Writing: Reflections of a Wayward Daughter is now online and available for reading at

or if that’s too big a hassle, just go to and click on her “guest writer” tab.  Your comments are invited as always.

Thanks for reading!

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Reflections of a wayward daughter

Hello, dear readers.  The first part of my four part article, Religion and Writing: Reflections of a Wayward Daughter, has been posted at 2012/09/guest-writer-september-2012-penny-anne-beaudoin/

For some reason, my blog won’t hypertext anything, so you may be quicker just to go to and if the article doesn’t pop right up, click on her ‘guest writer’ tab.  While you’re there, why not subscribe to her web site.  It’s free, a wonderful resource for established and aspiring writers, and she regularly gives away free books!  FREE BOOKS!  Doesn’t get any better than that!  And come back next Saturday for Part 2.

Keep it righteous!

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The Universe wants me to go to BookFest

Yes, dear readers, I’m back!  I’ve done my miles and kept my promises, (i.e. my extracurricular writing is done) so here I am.  You’ll be able to view some of my work on-line in the very near future.  Details on that as they become available.

A couple of weeks ago, I was perusing the FaceBook page for BookFest Windsor 2012, and there was a picture of a pile of books, their titles turned toward the camera.  These books were to go to the moderators of the different panels and talks at BookFest, but someone had accidentally put two of the same book in the pile, and they wondered if anyone could spot the duplicate.   Why yes, yes I could!  And I gave them my answer.  (As skill-testing questions go, this one wasn’t all that taxing.)  Then I wrote them back and half-joking said, “Hey, I should get a prize for that, don’tcha think?  How about a free copy of the book?”  They very kindly said, “Well, we’ll see what we can mooch for ya.”  And that was the end of that.

Or so I thought.  On Wednesday, one of the organizers of BookFest sent me an email telling me that because I had won the contest (I didn’t even know it was a contest!) they were sending me a free pass to BookFest!  Oh my gosh!  I can attend all of the events all weekend long – Oct. 25 – 27!  They also dubbed me “BookFest’s Superfan-at-large.”  I told them that I take my role as Superfan very seriously.  Although I can’t jump tall buildings in a single bound (it takes me two or three bounds…and a helicopter), nor can I stop a speeding bullet (I’ve always found it wiser to duck speeding bullets) I promised to promote truth, justice and BookFest Windsor 2012 at every opportunity.

Please, everyone, check out and their FaceBook page for a list of the authors who will be attending, and if you can possibly attend yourself, don’t hesitate!  You’ll be glad you did!

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