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What I’ve been up to

A thousand apologies faithful readers, for this unconscionably long delay in posting.  What, I ask, ever happened to my well-ordered life?  I’m caught up once again in an activity vortex, brought about by any number of wonderful happenstances, not the least of which is the nomination of my publisher for Poet Laureate of Windsor, and my beginning a new manuscript.

Marty Gervais, publisher of Black Moss Press, poet extraordinaire,  journalist, editor, and author so prolific it’s annoying, has at long last been nominated for Poet Laureate.  It’s about time.  There is no one, with the possible exception of Margaret Atwood, who has done more to raise the profile of Canadian literature than Marty, and it was my very great honour to advance his nomination along with several other of his colleagues and writers from the Black Moss stable.  It’s quite an involved process, and with my well-known and steadily advancing inability to make sense of any governmental form, I needed a lot of help.  Vanessa Shields to the rescue!  Several hysterical emails later and my forms were completed and deposited into the tender hands of Canada Post.  Fly away my pretties!

And the new manuscript.  Well, cat’s outta the bag since last Monday when I workshopped my first poem of the new series.  It’s a collection of poems about Mary Magdalene, working title “Love Stronger Than Death:  The Passion of Mary Magdalene.”  I’ve written the first twenty poems and the research is just fascinating.  If things will just calm down a little around here, I could write twenty more.  Oh my, gentle readers!  What I’ve learned.  How misguided I’ve been!  More on that later.

And the Poetry Cafe is tootling right along.  Just heard back from the local high school today, and I’ll be bringing some invitations over there for the senior English students to attend not just to hear the great readings but also to ask questions of the authors, especially Marty, about writing and publishing, and studying creative writing at the university level.  (Marty is the Writer In Residence at the University of Windsor.)  Excitement is growing about this little to-do, and I’m just rejoicing.

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Writers’ Salon

Greetings, gentle readers. Just to let you know, Marty Gervais is starting up the Writers’ Salon, Monday, September 26, 5:30 pm., at Chrylser Hall North on Sunset St., 2nd floor, top of the stairs in the Undergraduate Lounge. Bring a poem or a couple pages of fiction and get lots of good feedback. Open to everyone, no charge. See you there!

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An update

Greetings Gentle Readers! In case you’ve been wondering, the new manuscript is progressing quite nicely, thank you. Since August 15th, I’ve been delightfully lost in my research and completely obsessed with my subject matter. My husband is complaining that I’m absent even when I’m sitting across the table from him, but that’s the way of it. It was the very same with holy cards, so he’s getting used to my thousand yard stares and mutterings.
Also, the Poetry Cafe is still on for Saturday, October 15th at 2 pm. at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Amherstburg. Stay tuned for more details.

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So that’s what it feels like to get hacked!

Greetin’s y’all!  Yesterday, my lovely web site was taken over by person or persons unknown.  I was alerted to this situation by my ever-vigilant sister Chris, whereupon I contacted my web master extraordinaire, David, who sprung into action immediately.  The web site was back in operation within a couple of hours.  Many thanks to both Chris and David!  Funny though, why anyone would want to hack my site.  I mean, I’m not a bank or military installation.  Just a radical religious poet.  Say, you don’t think the Vatican was behind this, do you?  Calling Dan Brown!  Calling Dan Brown!

And speaking of subversive poetry, I am still in the throes of the fever – six poems in six days!  I’m deliberately leaving them raw and moving on to the next one, as there’s an urgency to get the manuscript completed and then go back and do the editing.  Far different from my usual style of polishing a poem before I move on, but I just can’t deny this energy to get moving on this.  At the same time I’m doing a ton of absolutely fascinating research for this subject, and may I just say, my eyes have been opened!  Must get back to making black marks on paper.

‘Til next time…

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