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Ah gentle readers, a most wonderful thing is occurring – I’m being haunted again. I’m writing a new book of poetry, and the work is going so well, I can hardly believe it! I’m resolved not to reveal the topic until I have 20 poems written, but I’m being haunted by images and phrases day and night…and I LOVE it! And I’m so grateful! I’m letting everything else slide right now to concentrate on the new book and dive into the research. Oh happy me!

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Laughing Through a Second Pregnancy

Just to let y’all know that Vanessa Shields, author of Laughing Through a Second Pregnancy, will be reading at Chapters in the Devonshire Mall this Saturday, August 13th at 1 p.m.  Don’t miss this chance to meet Vanessa and purchase a copy of her wonderful book.  This ain’t your mother’s pregnancy book for sure!

Also, Vanessa will be leading the last of the series of writers’ workshops this Sunday, August 14th at Bump Maternity Shop, 1719 Wyandotte East, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Topic – Unleashing the Critic.  Learn how to silence your inner critic once and for all.  Details at Vanessa’ web site –  Hope you can make it to this too!  Wow, this lady sure gets around.  I’m beginning to suspect she has a twin sister…

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The power of compassion

When my friend called me last night at around 9 p.m. I was stunned!  She was calling from home!  When did lumpectomy become an outpatient procedure?  In any event, she said the surgery and all the tests that went before proceeded “like clockwork,” and that she was so calm throughout everything it felt “like it was happening to someone else.”  She is sure it was all the prayers and positive energy surrounding her.  Of that I have no doubt.

To everyone who prayed and sent her healing thoughts, many, many thanks from both of us.

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A prayer for a friend

I have a dear friend who is one of the kindest and most generous people in this world.  Whenever there is a need for a helping hand or kind word, J. is there.  She is one of those rare individuals who can be counted on, no matter what.  A few months ago, she was diagnosed with a tumor on her pituitary gland, but she has remained undaunted and only mentions it if asked.  A few weeks ago she received another shock – she has breast cancer, an aggressive form.  Again, she is determined to face this with optimism and courage.  She is undergoing surgery this afternoon.  In your kindness, would you send a positive thought or some healing energy her way?  I’ll be lighting a candle for her.

Many thanks.

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