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And now for something completely different

In my first “free” week since getting through a rather tempestuous July, it appears I’ve written not one, but two short stories.  Well now.  That’s quite good really.  Surprisingly good.  Awesomely good!

I’ll stop now.

But even more startling is the little idea that popped into my head regarding what my next project is to be.  Sometimes, just when you think you’ve got everything all figured out, inspiration sneaks in on tiptoe, and you find your thoughts heading in a direction you never would have imagined.  The idea is still too new to talk about yet – there is an old writers’ superstition that if you speak about a new idea too soon, you’ll kill it – but when I have enough work behind me, y’all be the first to know.  An odd vocation this writing business.

Oh, and what unutterable bliss to be able to post again with such ease.  Thank you, David Tan, web master extraordinaire!  Where would I be withoutcha?

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Firefox, don’t fail me now!

OK.  Steady now.  We’re going to try another post.  I just downloaded a new browser on my web master’s recommendation, and now I’m going to see if it’s chased all the little gremlins infesting my system away.  Oh, look at that – I’ve got italics again!  Woo-hoo!  Here goes!

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In this month named for a Caesar, a little mouse takes her rest

For me, July is over. Yes, it’s only the 29th, but all my obligations are finally over. Truly, this must count as the busiest July ever. On the 3rd, I sang a beautiful arrangement of I Am Not Afraid because, well, I loved the irony. There I was, knees vibrating like a tuning fork, chirping out “I am not afraid!” while I thought, “Really now, who are you kidding?” Unbeknownst to me at the time, the performance was being recorded. I’ve seen the DVD and thankfully my jitteriness hardly shows at all!

The following two Sundays, I preached and led worship at our little Presbyterian church, and both services were very well received. The congregation at my little kirk has always been amazingly supportive of me and I’m just delighted to soak in it, my little hot tub of affirmation!

Last Sunday, I led a writers’ workshop which went swimmingly! And by the by, Robert Earl Stewart is leading the workshop a week from Sunday, August 7th, at Bump Maternity Shop, 1719 Wyandotte E. Windsor, and you don’t want to miss it! Details at

Interspersed with all that preaching/teaching stuff, I facilitated three interviews for a colleague of mine who is researching her fifth book. Fifth! More details on that a little later. I underwent a small medical procedure to remove a cyst from my back and attended two heartbreaking memorial services, one for a long-time member of our church, and the other for the 27 year old son-in-law of our organist.

So I am now officially on holidays. My body has been sending me definite signals that it doesn’t appreciate all this upheaval, never mind that I got it all out of the way in just one month, nor does it like my sly attempts to substitute energy bars for real meals with real food. So I will spend the next month repenting my sins and returning to my writing. An idea for a flash fiction story is floating around in my head, and then I hope to continue with my great Canadian novel. Stay tuned for updates!

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Still not too late

Well folks, preaching at St. Andrew’s Church these past two weeks was an almighty blast! I enjoyed it immensely! Such a wonderfully supportive community! I know I’m gushing but how often in life do we find places of such love and caring? We are just so blessed when we do.

And just to let you know, it’s not too late to attend my writer’s workshop this Sunday, July 24th, 10 am. to 12:30 pm. at Bump Maternity Shop, 1719 Wyandotte East, Windsor. Check Vanessa Shield’s web site for details at Hope to see you there!

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