Let’s see…
When we last left our plumbing heroes they had just constructed an impressively deep trench that neatly bisected our front yard. Whenever any of them jumped into said trench, they completely disappeared from view until they popped out again, like a rabbit from a den. A rabbit in a hard hat. A rabbit in a hard hat, work boots, and a manly-manly expression on its face. (Better not press that metaphor too much further.)
Just before lunch, one of the crew poked his head in the door and reported that he was just about to sever the sewer line so, “Please don’t run any water, OK?”
“OK,” I sez, but oh! gentle reader, in that moment I was assailed by a near impossible to resist temptation to flush the toilet, run to the front door, and scream, “Get out of the trench! GET OUT OF THE TREEEEENCH!!!”
But I resisted.
They have just left our domicile after cleaning up…well, their version of cleaning up which is nowhere near my version of cleaning up…and our home is returning to its peaceful attitude once more. We are so pleased the work is done and at a most reasonable price. They even removed some tree stumps free of charge and gave us a substantial discount for getting both the inside and outside jobs done at the same time.
All in all, a pleasant experience as these things go. And a lesson not to put things off.