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Things literary

Well gentle readers, this has been a nice couple of weeks just past.

First of all, I participated in the first ever reading of Marty Gervais’ Writers’ Salon. The event was open to the public, and lots of family and friends attended. In fact, the turnout was pretty spectacular, which pleased the organizers no end. I read a piece from The Magdalene Poems which left the audience google-eyed and laughing, which pleased me no end! The reading is going to become an annual event.

Secondly, I sold my very last copy of holy cards: dead women talking. Yowza! I really never thought that would happen, but after my video was posted on the Black Moss Press web site, sales took a bit of a spike, and I sold out! Even the two copies I kept in the back of the car in case of emergency…gone! My publisher, the aforementioned Marty Gervais has replenished my supply, and I haven’t stopped grinning about what’s happening with this four year old book since. :-) See?

And finally, a couple of my poems were published in Offside Magazine! Woo hoo! The editor wanted poetry, and fast, so I fired off two pieces not realizing how similar they were. They were not written at the same time and were never intended to be companion pieces, but que sera, sera. If you would like to take a gander, you’ll find them at

Sorry if that didn’t hypertext. Mozilla sometimes won’t allow it. But if you Google Offside Magazine, you should have no trouble finding it.

And just a PS – The Magdalene Poems are going well, over 80 poems and counting. Some time has opened up for me writing-wise (we’re no longer doing the run to Leamington for our town mission) so I may not be blogging every week. On the other hand, who knows? I’m trying to let the Universe unfold as it wills. It’s tough though, cuz I know how it’s supposed to go! :-)

‘Til next time.

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