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Time’s a-comin’

Well, lookey there, I see it’s time to brag on myself. Oh yes it is! Cuz I’ve been a busy little bee, and what I feared was going to be a time of great stress and exhaustion, turned out to be a very steady and productive time. Only downside – not a lot of poetry got written, but que sera, sera.

In the last two and a half months, I have written four sermons and four Orders of Service. (In NO WAY could I ever become a regular minister. If I had to complete a sermon and O of S every week, in no time at all you’d find me under my bed lip diddling. My hat’s off to those courageous and creative servants of the Lord!) I got all our papers ready for taxes including drawing up a Year End Statement that had me close to tears a time or two. (Numbers are evil! EVIL, I tells ya!) I filled in for the pianist at my church at the end of January putting together the music with about 15 minutes practise. (Still totally impressed with that!) Did a reading in February at my publisher’s award ceremony, and began my contribution to a new bible. Mm-hm, along with 11 others from all over, we’re embarking on a new bible paraphrase, which is one of the most awesome things I’ve ever done! In addition, I managed to work in a doctor appointment, a dentist appointment, a few Writer’s Salons and a concert! And not only am I not exhausted, I’m actually energized by all this! Woo-hoo!

Gotta say, I owe a lot of my strength to The Mister who has once again proven himself to be a stalwart, gently tolerant of my absorption in successive whirlwinds of activity that often leave him sidelined. Never a word of criticism, only “Tell me what I can do to help”. I’m a lucky woman.

So there you have it, gentle readers. And there’s even an upside – now that I have all this other stuff taken care of, starting Monday I can go back to writing poetry. Gosh, I hope I still remember how! :-)

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