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What a difference a month makes!

Well sports fans, we are back online!  Figures the site would be down during one of the busiest months of my life, but so it goes.  There’s a ton to get caught up on, and it ain’t gonna happen all in one post, but I will try to blog a little more often than usual.  (Some of my readers have been getting a tad on the restless side.  Well, who can blame them?  After all, I’ve been back on line for a whole 36 hours now.  What the heck am I waiting for?  Ahem.)

First, my health.  It’s MUCH better, thanks for asking!  I’m maintaining the megadose of Vitamin D on my doctor’s orders until June, but I’ve already noticed some very positive changes.  I’m sleeping better  for one thing, one very BIG thing since sleep is a recurring issue with me.  I fall asleep within minutes and stay asleep for at least a five hour block – not bad!  But lately it’s been stretching to six, seven and even eight hours.  YOWZA!  My energy is up with far fewer crashes during the day, and although I still run out of steam by 8 pm. I am confident I’ll get all the way back soon.  One small downside – since I’ve had to cut back on my workouts for the past three months, I’ve noticed some distressing weight gain.  But I’m slowly increasing the duration and intensity of my exercise and I’m counting this as a temporary blip.  I’ve also added a core program for the fibro-aches as soon as I get out of bed in the morning.  And that is helping immensely.

People have been very understanding about my having to curtail some activities and their support will go a long way toward my full recovery.  And oh yes! I can think now in terms of a full recovery and that is like the sunrise!

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